Tatiana Altini
Born in Florina
Lives & works in Thessaloniki, Greece
2009-2013: Bachelor degree in Preschool education ,UoWM, Florina
2013-2017: Master degree in "Cultural studies- semiotics and communication", UoWM , Florina
2014- 2019: Bachelor and integrated master degree in Painting, Visual and Applied Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
21/01-04/02/2020- “Pikap Community”, Casa Bianca, Thessaloniki (group exhibition)
18/12/2019- 08/01/2020- “Deep Winter”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Florina (group exhibition)
2019 Art contest "Loukas Venetoulias, Teloglion foundation AUTH, Thessaloniki
07/02-13/02/2019 - UKYA City Takeover: Nottingham 2019, Biennale des jeunes créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée, Nottingham, UK
09-23/06/2018- "Thressholds", Gonzo Unit, Thessaloniki (group exhibition)
27/04-27/05/2018 -"Pontos: entitlement and obligation to rememberance", multitheme exhibition of K. Fotiades, TIF Helexpo, Thessaloniki
16-21/03/2018 -"Global problems of the 21st century" ,FAHASS International student congress, Maltepe University, Instanbul (group exhibition)
16/02- 02/03/2018 -"Crosswalkers" - Mob art cafe, Thessaloniki (individual exhibition)
17/11//2017-18/01/2018- "Cyprus affortable Art Fair - THE GIFT" - Art Gallery 360o, Limassol, Cyprus (group exhibition)
4/7-25/8/2017 -"REM-Brand Name | The authenticity of the Artist" -Lola Nikolaou Art Gallery, (group exhibition)
7/10-12/12/2017- "Battleship Averof"- Battleship "George Averof",Thessaloniki, (group exhibition)
1/3-30/4/2017 (Archaeological museum of Thessaloniki) , 9/2017 (Benaki museum, Athens) - "UNIVERSITY-CITY AUTH 90+ years of operation,100+ years of spatial planning" (group exhibition)
26/08-26/09/2016 - "Dealing with the beautiful", Museum of Contemporary Art, Florina (group exhibition)
15/6-1/7/2016 - "Visual dialogoues with the city", Yeni tzami , Thessaloniki (group exhibition)
10-14/3/2016 - "We build briges,we destroy walls", Palazzo Vecchio, Florence ( group exhibition, Art class 2016)